
This course aims to provide dietitians with the essential knowledge and skills required to work in a mental health specialist setting. 

The course is aimed both at dietitians new to the area of mental health, requiring more in-depth training than the introduction to MH, ED and LD offers; or as a CPD opportunity for dietitians established in mental health. Established dietitians will have the opportunity to update their knowledge, reflect on current practice and network with dietitians working in similar areas. 

The course content focusses largely on an adult mental health population however aims to be applicable to the mental health population of different age groups. Inpatient and community settings are considered throughout the content and case studies. 

Learning Outcomes: 

On completion of this course you will:

•        Discuss nutritional risks in mental health

•        Consider different approaches to effective dietetic practice within a mental health setting

•        Adapt communication skills for the mental health setting

•        Apply relevant research and guidelines to your service user group

•        Develop skills in managing your own health and resilience whilst practicing within a mental health setting